Sunday, January 17, 2021

How COVID is Impacting Human Trafficking

I heard consultants describing the current time as a valley in the fight against human trafficking.  COVID-19 is changing human trafficking and prevention efforts.  Children are more vulnerable for labor and sex trafficking, because they are not physically required to assemble in a school.  There are fewer social engagements to witness the signs of human trafficking and report it.  An increase in poverty is leaving adults and children more vulnerable as victims.  Traffickers are moving to online tools to exploit more people out of necessity.  Online there are less witnesses and less rescue opportunities.  The lured victims are more vulnerable to disease. The wearing of masks make identification of a victim more difficult.  There are fewer places for victims of human trafficking to escape to, because hospitals are overflowing, shelter in place orders, and fewer businesses in general being open.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking · MIT Computational Law Report

​Cast LA | Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Human Trafficking | COVID-19 Impact on Cast and Human Trafficking Survivors - Cast LA




Friday, January 8, 2021

Surviving COVID-19 in the United States

 Its Friday and I'm awaiting results of a COVID test on a family member.  One of us has it and two of us don't.  At least, that's what I think.  We have had mild symptoms, but these were nothing compared to the one member of the family and the test was negative for me.  Maybe two of us have it, waiting on a test result.  Anyways, we are surviving thanks to several strategies.  I was terrified in the beginning, but each day is better.  I can't wait for vaccine to become available to us.

- The sickest person in the household is separated and has his own room and bathroom.

- The sickest person in the household does not touch the kitchen.

- I make him ginger cinnamon tea from scratch twice a day.

- We eat lots of chicken dishes, but are eating normally.

- We Lysol the room if I have to enter it and otherwise he is there on his own, unless the weather is nice and he can go outside.

- I left my pillow behind and I don't even go in there to get a change of clothes.  Two outfits are working for now.

- Our new GE dishwasher is running twice a day and seems to be effective in killing the virus.

- I wipe common touch surfaces frequently and more frequently if he walks through a given area. 

- I wear a mask night and day. 

- I hydrate my hands with lotion after I wash them.  I wash them every time I touch one of his dishes, before I cook, etc.

- I am grateful to my employers generous two weeks of sick leave for care giving, because none of us can leave the house.

- Prayer.  Our faith family has been praying for us all.  We pray daily.  God is watching over us.

- Thanks you Amazon Fresh for bringing some semblance of normalcy to our lives by delivering the things we use daily.