Sunday, June 25, 2017

Growing is the Essence of Story

I was at a Wellness Summit yesterday called CNQR (Courage Normalize Question Recovery) pronounced "Conquer".  Kevin and Margaret Hines are sponsoring the day and the movement.  The question raised is why the story isn't more powerful in certain circles and what is it about story that saves lives.  So as I listened, I thought of a famous poet and master story teller: Robert Bly.  He teaches men about coming into manhood through story and rites of passage.  Well, I remembered something someone said to me about wanting to die really being about wanting to grow up at the same moment.  I think this is the major catalyst of a recovery/survival story is that it gives the individual opportunity for growth.  At the same time others are witnessing the growth, which gives a rich learning environment.  
But Robert Bly says something really important too, he says a man that is not admired by another man is a man that is hurting.  Well, story gives a window for admiration from the audience.
There are other key elements I found in listening that include: defining oneself or creation of identity, space for healing, sharing of hope, removing isolation, empowerment, taking back power from an overwhelming experience, connection, creation of meaning, and creation of relationships that in turn create community.  This is the power of a story!  

I know now this is why writing my book was such a powerful personal journey...

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