Wednesday, October 5, 2016

A Halloween Surprise!

So I have spent weeks worrying about my son's psychological health, because he came home telling me that there are ghosts in the bathroom at school.  So, I explained this to the pediatrician and she gave me an assessment.  She referred me to a psychologist.  Luckily, my son and I see the same psychologist  We went to see him.  I told him the story and he offered an assessment.  I decided not to do an assessment, because I was going to purchase a really fancy assessment from Emory that would tell me about multiple possibilities.  I worry about the possibilities, because I live with a diagnosis.  So, the hour passed and he called me in.  Turned out the light in the bathroom at school was flickering and the boys collectively decided there were ghosts in there.  They discussed fiction and fact.  So, I realized after all that that the story is so much more important than the diagnosis.  I was freaking out for weeks about this for no reason, but what a great halloween surprise to find he is healthy!  I'm glad there are psychologists out there with a sense of practicality.

Happy Halloween!

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