Friday, April 29, 2016

I'm a Butterfly...

It was a warm day.  I was visiting Washington, DC.  The cab driver had the most beautiful African accent and he turned on the radio.  As the wind sifted through my hair, the music sand, "And butterflies are free to fly, so fly away, bye-bye...."  I will never forget that moment, because even then I dreamed of being free.   I always dream of freedom.  That's because I almost didn't make it in this world to enjoy the freedom I have, I was almost pushed into slavery in another country.  So, my freedom is too precious to allow my last employer treat me the way they did.  Who on this planet would pair a childhood sexual abuse trauma survivor with designing peer support services for sex offenders?  They didn't realize, I'm a butterfly and I'm free to fly.  Bye-bye.  Being a butterfly is a beautiful identity.

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