Friday, May 12, 2017

Sometimes We Cry and We Can't Name Why...

Today my son cried at a cartoon that seemed really to remind me of a situation he went through as a child before he could talk.  I asked him if he remembered one of his friends from that time and he cried even harder.  He couldn't name why he was crying.  We store some memories of our development in the reptilian brain, the part of the brain that has no words.  It is our primitive reptilian brain and where our earliest memories are stored.  I said sometimes we cry and we don't know why, but it doesn't mean its not really important to cry.  It was an awful chapter in his life.  I thought he didn't want to go to the sitters house, because he didn't want to be separated from me.  I thought after talking with the pediatrician that his sadness at separation was all developmental.  The clue should have been he was always happy before. We didn't learn the truth until a couple of years later after taking to someone who reported abuse to us.  I can't change that time in his life.  I thought he was better off in a home, because he got so sick in daycare.  He wasn't.  Abuse can be prevented by ensuring your child is not left alone in the care of other adults.  Something I learned from the darkness to light campaign to prevent abuse.  I'm just glad we made it through together.

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