Friday, May 12, 2017

Women and Work

As a woman in the workplace, it has always befuddled me when other women don't like me.  Today I have some clarity after talking to an executive.  We were discussing the general hierarchy of life, how men dominate the workplace usually.  That's not unusual, well except at my job where the executives are primarily female.  We were discussing racial inequities in the workplace and how people protect the status quo.  That wasn't unusual to my ears.  What was really interesting was that she said women attack other women, because they are not male.  Well, this was new to me.  I would think the first instinct of a women would be to support and build.  When this doesn't happen, I have been taken a back.  Like way back.  It makes me quiet and anxious.  So anxious that I try to make myself somehow different, taking that micro-aggression personally.  So, as a woman that has questioned the status quo in the hiring process in general; I wonder how I can push female co-workers to recognize their own biases?  Maybe some environments do this naturally, because I love the way it feels in the workplace I'm at.  It feels equitable and fair.

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