Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Preteen Digital Detox

He had a chromebook, two tablets, a phone and access to my computer.  The result of which, he was lost.  After his last hospitalization, we have taken away the internet, the phone, and social media. We left limited TV and Xbox access. It was a radical move supported by the love of friends of our family from Church or in other words extended family.  What’s so fascinating is our son is less edgy and dramatic.  Our first clue we needed to take this step was the psychologist saying the music he was singing could alone make him obsessed with death.  Then our spiritual brother confirmed exactly what the psychologist was saying.  He’s now more social and engaged with every member of the family.  I always felt technology was something he needed to keep up with the changing world, but the world was changing him.  He seems so much clearer in his thoughts and more sure of himself.  He can catch up with technology later. It’s just that simple.

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